Talking Shizzle

How To Rise Above The Noise with David Brier

Taylor Shanklin Season 2 Episode 2

Get ready and make sure you’re sitting down folks; because today’s Shizzle is all about David Brier. Talking Shizzle’s host Taylor Shanklin asks the questions that are worthy of your listen. For instance; David has amazing fire-breathing skills 🔥 Who would have known?! So make sure you are wearing your flame retardant clothing for this fire starter! 😂

David Brier is an entrepreneur who learned everything he knows about entrepreneurship after graduating from college. He believes that the school system could teach more appropriate lessons ensuring successful entrepreneurs, which is one of the realizations that has led David to the paths he has chosen. So admirable and exciting! Brier's journey as an entrepreneur began in New York, where he started his career and disliked certain items about the creative agencies he was working for at the time. He has since grown to understand the importance of maturity and the ability to listen, ask questions and be aware of when to stay quiet. He believes that these are some of the key components of being a successful entrepreneur. Brier has been an entrepreneur his entire life and is now a brand expert, helping others defy gravity and build successful brands.

We dive into David’s book Brand Intervention, and what brand interventionist exactly means. Taylor also attended David’s class on Brand Interventions, which was highly insightful in learning many brand guidelines and transformational campaigns. The group also discusses their preferences for Thai food. David likes spicy food, and when he has espresso he makes sure it is double or triple shot. Boo-yah! This and much more like;

  • Defying Gravity as a Brand.
  • Reflection on Agency Cultures.
  • The Prerequisites for Successful Sales Campaigns.
  • Increasing Sales and Revenue Through Branding, Marketing, and Strategies.
  • The Impact of Branding on Dysfunctional Companies.
  • Overcoming Fear of Standing Out
  • Collaborative Guidance: Achieving Success Through Clarity and Insight

Connect with David Brier on LinkedIn:

Or visit David’s website and make sure to read David’s book- Brand Interventionist here:


Taylor Shanklin  00:00
Hey, hey, hey, talking shizzle listeners. You know, it's always been important for me to align our business with other companies and individuals who share our values, especially those who share a deep commitment to serving nonprofits and social impact. So for that reason, I'm super excited to announce our very first season to sponsor Kyla Kyla is a fundraising and donor management CRM that is built specifically for nonprofits by nonprofits, professionals. These folks really get it. Their mission is to empower nonprofits to deepen relationships, retain donors, and raise more for their cause. A several of our clients and partners use Keela and have continued to be impressed by just how easy Keela is to use, how affordable it is, and most importantly, the results they see using the platform. The Keila team is also phenomenal to work with. They are super friendly guys, and they have a continuous commitment to equity and inclusion. Now, go check them out. We got a special offer for you as Season Two sponsor of the talking Show podcast. Keila is offering our listeners and community 40% off their first year subscription tequila 40%. You guys. That is a lot of shizzle. Think about all the other shizzle you can get done by saving that money on your nonprofit CRM. Plus, if you have under 250 records, you can get access to the keyless starter program for free. So if you are interested in learning more and booking a demo, go to deaths shizzle that is ke l Forward slash partners forward slash creative dash shizzle Hey, hey, how are you lovely people out there. You've got a lot going on in your day with big dreams and big goals for your world. Are you ready to talk some shizzle and learn some shizzle from leading entrepreneurs, changemakers coaches and overall interesting people who like to shake things up. I'm your host Taylor Shanklin, CEO and founder of creative shizzle and I am stoked to bring you a fresh episode of talking shizzle today, this show is all about helping you think differently so that you can grow. Talking chisel is brought to you by our team at Creative shizzle where we help businesses, entrepreneurs, and social good innovators make amazing marketing shizzle happen. Check us out on the web at Creative Now, let's talk some shizzle we are here with a new episode of talking shizzle with the one and only the fantastic defier of gravity. Are you ready for it? Folks? Are you ready for it? Well, Bill, I'm ready, David. All right. You're David Brier, Briar Briar. Fire to fire, Briar.

David Brier  03:17
That's right. The breather of fire, Briar.

Taylor Shanklin  03:21
Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. What's up my friend?

David Brier  03:24
Well, 23 is off to a remarkable start. And I'm warning anybody that I have any have any face to face in person meetings with to where fire retardant clothing so that way they're actually protected. And it's good because then it also eliminates the need for like ever having to carry around like a nasal trimmer nasal Hair Trimmer because it's like that fire breathing thing. You automatically automatically are perfectly groomed. But you shouldn't see me when I woke up this morning. I looked like freaking Grizzly Adams. But now I mean, just a little bit of a little bit of a retro and just just breathing some fire. Bang. perfectly groomed.

Taylor Shanklin  03:56
Yeah, look perfectly groomed. I never knew I was never gonna guess it was a whole fire breathing thing. But now we're enlightened.

David Brier  04:05
I know. I know. It's like it's kind of like one of those Look, But Don't Touch kind of things. It's really cool.

Taylor Shanklin  04:10
Yeah, well, you're lucky. You're lucky you have that. Well, David Brier, we're gonna back it up. You're the author of brand intervention, a book that changed my life when I was earlier on in my branding, like I guess I would call it my pivot from digital marketing into really like honing in on branding is my favorite thing. And I took your course your brand intervention masterclass, we've become friends. Luckily, like I've never had any sort of like fire experiences with you in person, you know, so I think that's why we're still friends.

David Brier  04:50
It could be but if we ever do manage to actually meet face to face and ever go out to eat, I tend to like spicy food. When I have my espressos. I make sure that there are double or triple XP So, and I like food a little bit of like, non toxic shizzle we'll help it that way. Your tagline could be bring the fire, bring the fire will bring the marshmallows.

Taylor Shanklin  05:10
That's really good to know you and I are going to definitely need to actually have dinner in person sometime we're going to have it this is what we're going to how we're going to get some Thai food, we're going to tell them make it taste spicy. They're gonna say, Are you sure?

David Brier  05:22
When you go to a Thai restaurant? You gotta go like in the range of like three or four? You don't go? Sure I once did. Once I was like, I'll make it spicy. Like do eight. I think by the time that I was done eating all my eyebrow hairs had fallen off my off my brow.

Taylor Shanklin  05:40
Well, then I don't think you're quite as intense as I am. Because I'm like, Yeah, give me a five and then bring me a glass of coconut milk to like wash it down.

David Brier  05:49
So if you said give me a five, I'd go I go. I go like that. There's your five now dial it back three.

Taylor Shanklin  05:57
Well, I was gonna say is we're going to do some taste spicy, like level five stuff. And then we're gonna have espresso off legato for dessert. And then nobody's gonna want to be around us for like a week.

David Brier  06:09
You're probably right about that. All right, well, let's

Taylor Shanklin  06:11
talk about your entrepreneur journey. First, can we get into this, we're gonna talk about entrepreneur lessons learned, we're gonna talk about what you do to defy gravity as a brand. interventionist is that a word? interventionist, you just made it up, I like it could be intervention nizzle.

David Brier  06:28
That sounds like somebody would have ended up on the editing floor of Seinfeld. So I don't know where we want to go. There

Taylor Shanklin  06:33
could have been, but give us a quick rundown on who you are as an entrepreneur and a bit about your journey to where you are today.

David Brier  06:39
Cool. Well, everything I learned about entrepreneurship I learned after I graduated from college, I think it's one of the flaws of the school system. They teach and focus, here's what you need to learn, you know, whether it's being an accountant or being an MBA or being a this or being that they teach you that that's the most only thing you need to know and, or whether it's being a dentist, or whether it's being a designer, or whether it's being a whatever. And then you go out and you kind of peddle that promote that pitch that it's interesting, because you ask any entrepreneur who's done well, and they will tell you, do you have the ability to listen? Do you know when to shut up? Do you know, it's better, more productive to ask questions than thinking that you got to spew out all the answers and only talk about yourself? So I mean, it's a point of like maturity. I've been an entrepreneur my whole life. I didn't like a the agencies. Because I started my career in New York, in Manhattan, and New York kid born in Brooklyn. The basic thing is, is that I didn't, I didn't like the agency culture. And the design firms felt a little, you know, everyone was like, really fashionable, or suit and tie. And it was just a little bit. So like, these are two worlds that I was like, these are kind of funny. There was one particular designer, who was brilliant and actually easily impacted. Two generations of designers, art directors and agencies. He was the only person I actually wanted to work for. I did interview with him. And people told me he doesn't talk much as big as a, as his work was when you saw it, like was impossible to ignore. But socially, he was quiet. And so they said, if when looking at your portfolio, he pauses on a page. That's like practically a standing ovation. That's your recognition. So just be paying attention. And I got one of those was like, I got a really nice one of that. So I was like, Okay, we might have some here, I almost got the gig, almost only because he was ready to actually have me say, well, we'll start in production, and then you'll work your way up. So basically, you're you're kind of like are going into an apprenticeship, kind of model almost like learning from these incredible designers. And I think Louise feely, who you probably know is the designer, Louise feely, I believe might have been there at that time. I know Tony de spinia. There were quite a few people from a certain generation that evolved into being brilliant designers, typographers letters, things like that. Well, unfortunately, his health declined shortly after that. He was quite a few years older than myself. So unfortunately, that didn't happen. But that was like my gold standard. And so I started to do things and do things and do things. And I wasn't content to just being a designer. Being a designer was kind of like, you know, because I was working at the time with art director. So I would do stuff for Revlon art directors, and I would do stuff for Estee Lauder as art directors, and they'll do stuff for the art director of Money Magazine, or, or Rolling Stone magazine or New York Times Magazine, and it was still handing off that piece. But holistically, I didn't know if I was gonna be the full outcome. I'm giving them the piece. So to me it's kind of like just because like you could show up and be Eddie Van Halen. But if you had a shit band, you know that couldn't was not on key and nobody They were playing to the same beat. And it was like, Wait a second, I thought we're gonna do reggae? No, no, we're doing polka. So no matter how good your your game might be, you couldn't control the outcome. And so that's where I started to kept expanding, expanding into marketing, and then then branding, and then really the whole piece and really getting to appreciate language, the power of language, power of storytelling, how it all worked in terms of design communication, and not only in the form of helping my clients but in the form of also, how do I talk to clients so that I negotiate a better deal, so that I actually navigate a better outcome for everyone. So that's basically in a sort of larger nutshell, a fairly large pistachio nut. You answered your question.

Taylor Shanklin  10:47
You can throw that pistachio and onto your off about half a Gato. 

David Brier  10:51
It will be like a little helmet and look very fashionable. Yeah. And then a little bow tie made out of, I don't know made out of chocolate covered espresso beans.

Taylor Shanklin  10:59
Yeah, I love this. I love what we're going with this meal. That'd be the middle of the century. For those of you listening who aren't familiar with the OFA Gatto, I might not be saying that correctly. It is espresso poured over ice cream, oftentimes like a vanilla. Vanilla gelato.

David Brier  11:20
Yeah, more often a gelato. But what if you wonder if you want to take it over the top, like you get like a couple of scoops of pistachio gelato, pistachio gelato, great because there's a certain little grit to the texture, and it's really, really delicious. And then you pour over, then you pour over so you have a little moat of caffeinated bliss.

Taylor Shanklin  11:39
Okay, so that's a bit about how you started. Now you you run a branding agency, you help entrepreneurs learn how to get out of their own way, your website is rising above the noise? How do you help people get above the noise? Like tell us what you mean by that?

David Brier  11:56
Well, there's too much confusion for many companies. On these particular points. Almost, if you go to any company or any CEO today, and you were to say, more, what are you struggling with? There's gonna usually gonna be two things or what do you what do you want to what do you want to handle? What do you want to, you know, what's your, where you guys headed? What's your objective? As far as challenges, there's going to normally be two two answers. One is, is is going to have to do with employees in terms of the right talent and the other that because that is one thing, it's like, can we get the right team culture bla bla, bla, bla, and that's one, but the other one that always comes up is more sales, more customers, more loyalty, right? So actually, we have repeat customers, because you don't want to always like just be having first timers. So I call those the finish lines, a sale is the endpoint after two other things have occurred. And every sale is preceded by these two prior things from the Stone Age to present time. basic thing is prior to every sale, you have some marketing that has happened. But the interesting thing is that not everyone really understands what marketing is and the job of marketing. They throw marketing and sales and branding all into like one bucket. So it's a kind of like all you can eat buffet of like, what's our rating as far as language here?

Taylor Shanklin  13:09
Oh, you go all out, dude.

David Brier  13:11
Okay, so basically a What the fuck? What the fuck? Do I eat? Oh, you

Taylor Shanklin  13:17
believe most of our guests are like really nice and PC, but you're not. And I'm fine with that. You're well,

David Brier  13:23
that's because you're out there because your other guests are a bunch of like wussies. I mean, it's like,

Taylor Shanklin  13:28
it's not true. David,

David Brier  13:31
I say that with warmth in my heart, and gloves in my pockets. Now the thing is, is, but well, they look, everybody has to has to at least every now and again just like let their hair down and just say a curse word or two. Just to make a point. Just to make a point not not to be irresponsible, but just make a point. But the point is, is with this stuff. marketing's job is to execute and get the stuff out there. marketing's job is not to actually create the brand. Its job is not to define the brand, its job is not to differentiate, how are we unlike everyone else? So the thing that happens there is we go alright, so if we now understand, so that's three different pieces, but everyone's always looking at the end. How do we get more sales? How do we drive more revenue? How do we get more customers? I mean, that's where the so called, like they're obsessed with the finish line? Well, there are two other key prior prerequisites that are necessary for each one of those sales to occur. And for not to just be a one time sale, because the sales only a transaction but actually for it to become a recurring sustainable relationship with someone that you're serving. So what happens is, that's what I do is I help clients get that clarity, the taking the masterclass that's one of the as you know, I mean, you're learning all that you're armed with a tool chest of just all these Tools. And then of course, there's the actual roadmap, when I'm working with clients directly, I'm actually helping them, I'm doing all of that with them for them, etc. And then eventually, we'll hand it off to say, okay, good. Now you take care of the marketing part. And sometimes there will be a window of time, three months, six months, or nine months, or more, where it's a hand holding thing to make sure that they're not getting done with it, or they're getting sloppy with it, or they're going well, it doesn't matter that even though this color wasn't, it wasn't part of the branding thing. We're hearing that hot magenta is trending. And so we're going to incorporate that. And this is for Mrs. For the for the cremation society, I don't know that that's gonna particularly work, okay. But it's the color of the year.

Taylor Shanklin  15:47
It is we were just lucky that the color of the year was already in our logo, like we were just trending before and trending happened this year.

David Brier  15:58
That wasn't luck. It's because it was in your logo that it became the color of the year.

Taylor Shanklin  16:03
Right? You're right, it was all us. You're welcome. You're welcome world. Okay, let's expand upon this. And let's even maybe do it with an analogy of our fine dinner that we're talking about here, David. Okay. So you've got I agree with you, 100%. And I say that stuff all the time, everyone's like, done number revenue. And then they don't actually think about how there's all these different pieces and cogs in the machine that work together to get there. But there's sales, there's marketing, there's branding, let's define each of those a little bit more marketing, just like gets it out there. But difference between branding, and then marketing, and then sales.

David Brier  16:40
Totally. Well put it this way, let me let me structured in this way. Branding. As you know, branding is a four letter word definition, it is the art of differentiation, okay? That means that people will be able to tell our product or service from others that are out there, that means that we won't just be echoing what people have heard a lot, that means that we won't just be regurgitating our version of you, well, you sound just like blah, I can't really tell the difference, you know, that's problematic. So that's fundamental. It's got to be handled. So with that being done, now, marketing knows the lane that it's in, to be able to provide those, and they can choose the right demographics with regard to that. And the other thing that's interesting, you do that? Well, with branding, it actually impacts I've seen it happen, time and time again, it impacts the culture, or I've seen companies internally sag where they haven't been strong or, and the worst case scenario give you a perfect example. There's one client many years ago, the CEO was a sales guy. And he was like a sales guy, All he knew was hammering out deals, getting signatures and contracts, that was only new. So the interesting thing is that mentality that he had, and they were very much a sales organization, I spoke to 10 of their different salespeople, you would swear that I was talking to at least seven different companies based on what tell me about this company, they had their version, you know why there was such differing views, because their version of what the company was, was based on their pitch that actually worked to close deals, which meant they got their commission, without clear guidance of knowing how they were different anyway. So people out there as a result, had tons of different viewpoints as to what the company was about what their strong suit was, where they were added value, etc. It was probably the most dysfunctional company that I've ever seen in that regard. So if you get the branding, right, it's not only going to impact how you're clearly seen in the world, but it also it gets everyone on the same page. And I've literally seen sagging companies become either been doing business for 20 or 30 or 40 years, all of a sudden come to life going, Whoa, that's cool. All of a sudden, they've been introduced to like, it's kind of like you've had a really a really, really, really shitty hairstylist for like 15 years. And then someone comes along and says, I'm gonna give this just a little spin, and they don't and then, and then they turn you around, and you look in the mirror and you're like, holy shit. My life, Holy mackerel. And now you all of a sudden, you realize how bad it was only because now you're going you can see how good it can get. Well, that's what happens with a brand all of a sudden, everyone's like, Oh, the entire the employee, body, the team all turns around, they look in their collective very together. Go Damn, we look good. We're freakin badass. You know? That's essentially what happens.

Taylor Shanklin  19:41
Yeah, I love it. Okay, so we're gonna take this and talk about it in this in the meal. Okay, I'm gonna break this down in the meal context. Tell me if you think this makes sense. Okay. So in the context of David Brier and Taylor Shanklin sitting down for Thai spicy food and abogados you walk into the restaurant we walk into the restaurant David, we immediately get either turned on or turned off by the restaurant and we determine if we want to stay. We decide to stay in this restaurant, it's got a good vibe, smells good, looks good, it kind of feels good. We get seated at our table, the waiter or waitress comes over. They talked to us about their specials. Well, this is the, you know, noodle dish that we have that you're gonna want to try. They sell us, they bring out the food, the food, and here's to the experience that we first got when we walked into the restaurant, right, you taste it tastes good. Tastes like it smelled it tastes like how I felt when I first walked in. They bring us the avocado. It's got that little pistachio on it just like you'd like to David. And we were like, ooh, like wraps it all up in a boat that's bringing that brand experience back around. And then the waitress is friendly, they determined across the whole experience if we want to come back to the restaurant, because it's not just about the food tasting good and marketing executing on the dish turning out well, and adhering to the brand. But they helped seal in the deal for getting us back. Right. And that's like how sales I think fits into all of it throughout marketing and branding. But do you think does that make sense?

David Brier  21:19
It does because, well, there's one little layer I would add, which is why did we choose that Thai restaurant? Well, because we'd already looked at seven others. And this was the one that was like, it sounded different. They rose above the noise. So that initial point, bang, okay, so that Brandon God is in the door. And then the rest was like really confirming our hunch. Right? Boom. And then just like in building? Yep. And then Yep, on top of Yup. On top of Yup, on top of Yep. And then you have a pile of Yup. And if you're gonna have anything on your table, besides your food, you want a good heaping pile of Yup.

Taylor Shanklin  22:06
With pistachios and be up on top and espresso and take it up to a level five.

David Brier  22:14
So granted, for anybody that's that understands. They might go wait a second, how the hell do you go from like freaking Thai food to like an Italian dessert because I forgot it was a giant, there's a window there. It's not like right, you know, after your tastebuds are kind of like all fired up and kind of tingly and all kinds of stuff. But now you're gonna jump into the land of gelato and espresso. So there's gonna be a little a little window, you know, and maybe there's maybe there's a maybe there's some plumb line that follows the you know, the the Thai food to kind of, you know, get the palate kind of like, getting a little neutralize, getting a little chill. So it's now ready to like, basically, take that flight from Thailand to the sopranos,

Taylor Shanklin  22:58
right? Yeah, exactly. Well, the reason why I chose those two food choices together is because you're the slayer of mundane. And we both kind of can do that where we say. And again, this comes back to branding Brandon is about differentiation. So like, who says you gotta have a Thai restaurant that has only tight style desserts?

David Brier  23:20
But I have to ask, have you ever had the legendary and it's only legendary if you've had the legendary sticky rice and and mango?

Taylor Shanklin  23:31
Oh, yeah, that is good. That is good. I am down for that. For sure.

David Brier  23:36
That's pretty divided. That's pretty divided.

Taylor Shanklin  23:38
Alright, let's talk about how to get people out of their own way. You got to give them that haircut. Right? But a lot of times like they don't want the haircut. But and we deal with this all the time. Oh, no, no, my brand's good. We just got to sell. And you got to really walk people back and say you need to stand out. But people are scared to stand out. How do you get people over that fear?

David Brier  24:01
Well, I call their bluff. See, I hear the things that I look at. If everything was great, and they were okay. We wouldn't be sitting in this room. first thing. Second thing. I also have to look because occasionally fortunate. It's a small percentage, but occasionally, the person sitting on the other side of the table knows better than anybody. That person is pretty much impossible to help. Those people will be terrible leaders. They will be terrible teammates. Almost nobody working with them will will actually ever be happy. I know where the door is. I can let myself out. Alright, I mean that's just the reality. That was probably the one of the toughest lessons female no matter how much I know that I can help the other person. If the other person doesn't equally have an idea of that I can also help them to that same degree or or close. If we're not on the same page there. Then it's always my I word versus their word. And you said versus they said, again, that's not a foundation for it must be a collaboration. So it's a matter of what questions do you have what did it and it's our job as professionals to provide advice to provide insight to provide clarity, provide guidance. Everyone says, hey, I want you because we want, we want to hire you, because you will help us progress. And that you'll help us you'll move us from here to there. So you good, yeah, I will provide you the guidance to do that. Either, I'm going to be putting all the pieces in place for you with you, or I'm going to be teaching you how to do it that has ended up either way. But the bottom line is, is you must realize that I am going to be steering you, I'm going to be providing you the guidance. If you don't execute, you do have a mirror, right? Like, yeah, good, you're gonna look in the mirror and see who's actually failed to hold up their end of the bargain. Because the bottom line is, is this collaborative, like can only do so much, but I've had clients and I'm sure you have that. They're looking for somehow it all to be done externally, and they take no outs of responsibility, they will not succeed. Or if they do succeed, it's going to be very, just a little bit small percentage of what they actually could be achieving, if they did their part. So it is it is a collaborative thing. So I, I very much have these very factual, candid conversations. And if they're like saying, well, everything's great, everything's great. I said, Well, then why are we why are we sitting here? If everything is great, what's the purpose of this meeting? I don't ask it in a contentious way. But I asked, let's be candid, I mean, your time is valuable. My time is valuable. Why are we sitting here? Is there an outcome that I'm unclear on? And they go like, Well, we thought maybe sort of kind of that, uh, okay. And it's my job to ascertain. Are they interested in actually getting authentic help? Or are they just sort of, I don't know, doing some other little weird thing, in which case, I say, look, it doesn't sound like you're actually really going to benefit from what I provide. I can put it on myself as I don't think it's going to benefit what we what I do and what you're saying you want. I don't see that I can actually provide your benefit. So thank you for thank you for this. Where's the nearest place that makes great AlphaGo?

Taylor Shanklin  27:31
Yeah, exactly. It's this present time.

David Brier  27:34
I need something to lift me up after this conversation.

Taylor Shanklin  27:40
Yeah. Oh, don't? Don't we know, don't we know? You know, I'll ask you to share a favorite moment that you've had when someone who you thought maybe you couldn't get turned around. We had a moment with that recently with a client that was like, no, no, no, our logos great. I was like, Oh, ha. So we did something new anyways, and put it in front of them. Oh, gosh, it's like that haircut. Oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you for doing this. When we said with that we're good had like, what's a moment like that that you've had,

David Brier  28:16
it's actually a project, I can't go into specific details just yet, because it's not live yet. But it's actually a project that I'm doing for a particular client. And the industry that they're in, it was very, very interesting, because it's a it's a husband and wife, both high performers, big, big, big goals. And I could see more on one of one of them, one of them was a little more Alpha than the other. Alpha to the point that if you didn't know how to handle the person, I could see that they would run right over you. I didn't have that concern, because I've dealt with, with people like that. And so and so what ended up happening was, they were on a very, very, very tight timeline. Very tight. So I turned on the the turbo thrusters hardcore. And in like 10 days, presented them their story. Their brandstory Did the all the research all I mean, and that's fast. I mean, usually, usually, that's like a, you know, a few weeks. But I was like, alright, they don't have time. It's like, boom. And I showed them the story. And they were like, Whoa, how did you get that out of what we said, right? And all this time I'm getting, I'm getting this conversation of every, like, practically every call. Where's our logo? Where's the look, it was this has the logo. I'm like, we need to get the story done first. Then we look at the competition, and then we'll say this is where you need to land. So anyway, probably sold like 910 days bang. It's like, hit the brand story out of the ballpark. And then I said good. We're just gonna do a little few few little tweaks and stuff like that. So behind the scenes, I didn't tell them. I already been working on a logo. And so like about Another four days goes by, and then I, and then I say, by the way, I have some I have something I need to I need to show you. I said, here's the thing I want to actually go with, and I've turned it, I don't have a, just one way that I present a brand, we're brand identity needs to land and go. Sometimes I'll do a little animation sequence, sometimes I'll tell a little story before it, sometimes I'll just do a competitive thing. I'll say, here's where you're stuck, depending on who they are, I'll present it so that it enables them to make an informed look, sometimes if they're really myopic, I'll show them all the competition so that they go, oh, and I literally just did that two months ago with an international global client of ours overseas. And they were like, wow, you would think a global brand would have all of this information of what the competitive landscape was like. And it wasn't that not the case. Very interesting. Anyway, so going back to this, this couple, then say, by the way, here's here's the thing. And so I now show, and I do the little thing, and I walk them through, and I walk them through, and I'm watching them on the Zoom call, I'm watching, like, kind of like they're engaged, and I'm walking. And the next thing is like maybe about nine or 10 slides, and the last one kind of animated it from where I was going to the brand. And I said, and then there's this, and then I clicked, and then it did this little animation thing, which is so cool. And all I get is, oh my god, I'm teary eyed. Those are the moments you live for.

Taylor Shanklin  31:28
We remember that when we have all those other moments, you know? Well, David, what's one thing that you want to leave people with today? What do you want them to know about you what to take into 2023? Any any kind of final, final words, before we go eat?

David Brier  31:44
I would say. And I would hope that your listeners take this to heart. Ordinary is not an achievement. Just getting by is not an achievement. It's not a milestone, it's not a legacy. It's not something that lights you up. And if it doesn't light you up, then it doesn't let anybody else up either. I think I firmly believe that we each had the capability of being able to light others up, inspire others by how we perform by how we care, by how we lean in. I think those are very, very important and noteworthy things. And I think that when you're living life, every moment to moment to moment to moment, and this is the takeaway, we have two choices. Is this going to be ordinary and more of the same? Or is this going to be extraordinary, and something different? That is the thing. And that goes from the littlest things, such as walking into a store and saying hello to somebody and making them feel admired, appreciated, valued? To someone who delivers something to you to answering your phone to every bit of work that you do. There's no detail is too small. We live in a world where so many details are overlooked. Everyone's looking for the quick. Let's do stuff quick. Let's use AI to to accomplish XYZ. And no one's going What did we forfeit? By doing it that way? Did that make it less extraordinary? And to me, if someone just every day literally went, Okay, what am I going to take? That's or that's ordinary? I mean, I mean, I would freaking do that. I would do that every night. And I would tell you, you do that every night for 30 days. You'd write out okay, what am I doing tomorrow? Which of these things and how many of them are? Am I going to move them from ordinary to extraordinary? And I don't care if it's one, at least one. You go you know what? I think it happens in the morning with my spouse, or that thing that happens at the end of the day? Or the hallway answer emails. Any anybody that deals with me they know it's like whether you look at my email and you look at the little fine print. That's absolutely just it always makes people smile, to the way I answer the phone to the way I talk to people to the fact that when I show up in a conversation, I don't show up with a hangover. I don't show up not bringing my all. So that's the thing I would say you do everyone do a 30 day freakin exercise of turning the ordinary, into extraordinary, at least one new thing each day. And see if your life doesn't freakin change over those 30 days.

Taylor Shanklin  34:30
Alright, that we're gonna use this as a way for listeners to help launch their 30 Day extraordinary challenge. If you're dabbling with that. Let's give them a way to do that. After listening to this show, you are challenged people. You're challenged by the one and only David Brier and T shank and we'll bill together. We will be on your assets about being extraordinary. Oh, it's great.

David Brier  34:56
And here's the here's the one the one Little, if it becomes a demand of mine, or, or a suggestion of mine, or tailor, or will make sure, during those 30 days, it eventually needs to become your own, that you are internally demanding it of yourself, not because of another, not because of out there, because the extent that it's out there is to the extent that it will not, it will be diluted, it's fine. If it starts there, if that's where it starts, for some, it will be there. And for some others, it will be like, Wow, that's a great idea I can I can get behind that I can own that. And I will now the impulse will be driven by me and my and my own discipline. Great. But if that's not what you start, monitor that because after a week, or 10 days, needs to start moving over to that discipline of you, and you owning it, and that will elevate it to an even higher level.

Taylor Shanklin  35:55
All right, we'll close this out with a dad joke that relates back to this weird restaurant scenario. We came up with go.

Will Novelli  36:03
I have a friend who grows a lot of herbs, and he donates them to shelters. But I told him he just start running his own business. And one of the top herbs he grabs his cilantro. I told him he could call it the Cilantropist. 

David Brier  36:19
The Cilantropist!

Taylor Shanklin  36:20
Cilantropist. Pure.

David Brier  36:25
That's like a drug I heard the other day, which was something like, like some seminar somebody and they said they will. Although they asked ask somebody, are you a pacifist? He goes, if you ask me the wrong question, I'll pass a fist right across your face.

Taylor Shanklin  36:43
At a big boom, and we're out. All right, David, how can people find you online? Get in touch by your book, all those good things?

David Brier  36:53
Absolutely. Well, the bottom line is, is definitely go to rising above the And you will see and that's rising r i s i n g rising above the You can grab this you can find out more There's well over 300 articles, case studies that I've that I've shared and given an insight into that are there. So that's definitely the place that's kind of like the hub. But you can definitely find me on LinkedIn, you can find me on Instagram, you can find me on YouTube, you can find me on Twitter, I've been really getting a lot into Twitter, I'm finding Twitter to be very interesting. It's very, very interesting with with it's kind of like been resuscitated over the last period of time. And there's a lot it's actually a very interesting kind of like, what was happening with LinkedIn probably maybe seven years ago. It's been it was like, like when LinkedIn was going from being like this job place this networking place to kind of becoming a social platform. And I see that's now happening now that the the vested interests of of like, Twitter was really being very manipulated as a channel of communication. Now, it's actually the playing field flat. It's a lot of very interesting strong personalities, good personalities, from an entrepreneurial standpoint, very, very, very fascinating. So that you'll be will be finding them and I'm doing quite a bit there as well. But rising above the And the master class sounds like something that you or your team needs. We've actually been putting teams through through the program. That's been insanely cool.

Taylor Shanklin  38:27
Yeah, I'm a graduate of the class and can attest to how how helpful David is on a person by person basis in the class like he shows up for every one. He will call you out. He will call you in. He is there for you. So it's not just a class where you join and you're like, God, I never got time with David. Oh, no, like if you show up five minutes late. David is calling you on your cell phone and like where are you? What's up? Saturday morning? Time to get in class? I know. I know my kids throwing up right now. I'll be right there. That was usually

David Brier  39:02
I was like stop giving the kid I forgot Oh, first thing in the morning?

Taylor Shanklin  39:07
No, it's because I fed them the Thai spicy noodles for breakfast. I was like I don't allow you to go to my class just eat leftovers.

David Brier  39:17
Like kid barf with ties Thai food Thai spicy food. That's just the visual alone is priceless.

Taylor Shanklin  39:22
It's putting on Twitter. All right, folks, thank you so much for joining us. We have been today with a legend in branding seriously like this dude. Is someone I so look up to. He is one of the premier branders of our time. And I hope you've gotten some good stuff out of this. And we'll see you next time on another episode where we're going to talk some different kinds of shizzle we'll see what it is when we get there. And we land. Well, hey there. That was fun. I love how much mind blowing and mind have openings shizzle our guests bring to us with every episode. We hope you enjoyed the conversation as much as we did. Make sure you hit that subscribe button on your favorite podcast player so that you don't miss a beat of the talking shizzle podcast. And if you're listening on Apple, be sure to let us know what you thought and leave us a review. We'd love to hear from our listeners so that we can bring you all the good juicy Business Growth shizzle that you would like to hear about? Get in touch with us and follow along at Creative or email us at podcast at Creative Until next time, keep making your shizzle happen