Talking Shizzle

Finding Oneself and The Burnout with Noah Barnett

September 21, 2022 Taylor Shanklin Episode 4
Finding Oneself and The Burnout with Noah Barnett
Talking Shizzle
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Talking Shizzle
Finding Oneself and The Burnout with Noah Barnett
Sep 21, 2022 Episode 4
Taylor Shanklin

Listen here folks, we are super excited for this conversation⚡️and how it will impact your day. We hope to bring you some laughs, but also Noah delivers an excellent approach to life, and way more! Noah Barnett brings 10+ years of experience crafting marketing and integrated growth strategies, and has counseled and led B2B, B2C, and nonprofit organizations across industries. Noah was most recently the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Virtuous and ran growth / marketing at CauseVox and World Help. 

Noah is a smart entrepreneur in a crazy growing world of 2022, and he has the marketing juice that is worth the squeeze. (This juice may or may not be from an Arizona Cactus). Learn about cactuses, and whether or not you can eat them, or drink them?

  • Find out about the Second Score Approach- And how do we utilize this mindset?
  • Is the second score mindset a growth mindset? Acknowledging, and accepting what happened, in order to move forward, use this and learn for the next round. 
  • Can we be burnout, even while having success? How will I approach what is next? 
  • How do you workout the how? Noah used Brad Stohlberg "Groundedness" (
  • Slowing down, and focusing in. Stopping and using some disciplinary approaches.
  • Your personality is a feature, NOT a bug. Evolution, not elimination, learn about this perspective. 
  • People can go and take an enneagram test- this helps you find your specific personality types.

Learn more or connect with Noah Barnett:

Show Notes Transcript

Listen here folks, we are super excited for this conversation⚡️and how it will impact your day. We hope to bring you some laughs, but also Noah delivers an excellent approach to life, and way more! Noah Barnett brings 10+ years of experience crafting marketing and integrated growth strategies, and has counseled and led B2B, B2C, and nonprofit organizations across industries. Noah was most recently the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Virtuous and ran growth / marketing at CauseVox and World Help. 

Noah is a smart entrepreneur in a crazy growing world of 2022, and he has the marketing juice that is worth the squeeze. (This juice may or may not be from an Arizona Cactus). Learn about cactuses, and whether or not you can eat them, or drink them?

  • Find out about the Second Score Approach- And how do we utilize this mindset?
  • Is the second score mindset a growth mindset? Acknowledging, and accepting what happened, in order to move forward, use this and learn for the next round. 
  • Can we be burnout, even while having success? How will I approach what is next? 
  • How do you workout the how? Noah used Brad Stohlberg "Groundedness" (
  • Slowing down, and focusing in. Stopping and using some disciplinary approaches.
  • Your personality is a feature, NOT a bug. Evolution, not elimination, learn about this perspective. 
  • People can go and take an enneagram test- this helps you find your specific personality types.

Learn more or connect with Noah Barnett:



I really like to riff with you Noah and I think the ory version of Noah is fantastic I love it. I think you should absolutely be a comedian I think when will gets out of covid quarantine. He's gonna be your sidekick on the show and I want to talk to you about. What you think about all of that today. Noah Barnett



Yeah, thanks! Taylor thanks for having me. Um, yeah, it would be like you know Jimmy Fallon and he always talks to the guy. You know the guy on the side I don't know what that guy's name is or why he's there. But yeah, it would be great.



And what.



Anytime I need affirmation I'd be like hey will like what do you think about that.


Will Novelli

Um, I'm here for it sounds good to me. Um, why thank you.



And will you welcome. We just got to you walk through a dark hallway. It's good to have you back. Will.



Welcome will to the podcast.


Will Novelli

I was relocating to my upper office.



Oh excellent, Excellent. So yeah.



Will is a man with 2 offices. That's the only intro you should ever do I'm a man with 2 offices.


Will Novelli

2 offices, many leather bound books.



Do you have any cows.





Will Novelli

No I'm fresh out.



Okay, now I know what to send you.



So for those that are listening to the audio only currently behind Taylor's head there's a giant bull and for the last fifteen minutes we've been talking about what the bull means and what is it really telling us about Taylor and her energy and Taylor said.


Will Novelli




Well I said I'm a bull in a China shop and you can decide if you want to take that in a positive or a negative direction.



I Think that's why people are listening though. They're stoked that you're a bull in the China Closet you're shaking things up with talking shisle. But you also mentioned you're a tourist and I actually don't know much about.



That's right, That's right exactly? So let's.



Astrology signs. So what is a tourrus mean okay, are there any positive qualities or is that where it stops it's like will a man with 2 offices Taylor tourists stubborn period.



Oh it's stubborn as hell. Yeah.



I don't know I I think will would you do us a favor will will you use that None office of yours and go Wikipedia right now at tourists. Let's find some other attributes.


Will Novelli

Um, you know. Um, yeah, oh they're very intelligent.



Ah, there you go Noah intelligent.



Just for the record Taylor currently funds will's paycheck. So I don't know if this is the the real Wikipedia or the Taylor approved version.



Hey Noah you know I'm all about authenticity. So well can say whatever wants to say I'm down for it and yeah.


Will Novelli

Oh that this is good. There's some good ones here though I like reading these sometimes there's certain good ones. They value honesty more in their life I feel like when we None met that's something we talked about was um, transparency and honesty.



Did you hear that well she gave you permission.



Yeah, you're right I'm brutally honest with people sometimes it makes them mad you sometimes it makes them happy Noah you're pretty honest, what do you think about that you're a tourist too. What are we.


Will Novelli

Um, yes, are if it.



Ah, he.



Talking about. We are birthday buddies you are up.



We are but birthday buddies I was going to ask you I don't again I don't know I was literally googling how to find your astrology sign. So I could participate in the conversation but it is based on birthday and you and I have the same birthday.



Yeah, we have the exact same birthday not by year though I'm a lot older I'm like an old hag. You know.



Yeah, how was it going to bring that up. But.



Ah I've become comfortable in my old skin. So.



I Think it's you have more wisdom as you get older I think that's like this show is your wisdom podcast I Love it.



True true. Do you want to know why we're calling it talking chisel.






Well just sounded fun.



Ah, we'll add that Torus Stubborn Intelligent fun.



Yeah, exactly so Noah let's talk. Let's talk some shisle with you ah, tell me a little bit about what you're doing who you are for our listeners who don't know the infamous Noah Barnett let's back it up back it up buddy to. Do that intro roll for us real quick.



Yeah, yeah for sure. So I'm someone who's really lived at the intersection of mission and marketing since like I graduated school I remember when I was a kid really young and I saw all these people waiting outside of a store. In the morning and it was freezing I was like what are they doing you know come to find out they're waiting in line to get their hands or their hands on none their none hands on ah something made in China right? like and there's nothing wrong with that right? and we're talking about like video game systems or video games or books you know the Harry Potter stories people waiting outlines. Think what was fascinating for me was what is this magic that's making some people do irrational things right? like it's not rational to wait outside the store at 3 a m to get something that you could pay like a little bit more or wait a day like it doesn't make any sense. And what I realized quickly was that wasn't magic. It was marketing and I thought okay well if this magic can be used to sell like billions of dollars of you know goods that we don't really need could it be to like help people make the world better and so I went on that kind of naive journey of how do we use magic marketing to make the world better. And I've lived at that intersection ever since both in kind of a nonprofit growth fundraising role. So I raise money for international humanitarian organizations I helped build like monthly giving programs for nonprofits and then most recently I've spent the last six years at the intersection of marketing mission. Mission and technology because I've seen as we all see in our daily lives. How impactful technology can help us scale our impact and so I've been helping nonprofits figure out how to navigate that and how to use technology wisely um to accelerate their mission. So that's that's me in a nutshell. I live in Arizona cactus bill. Um I love a good cactus. Um, and yeah it I have 3 boys married to my partner. She's awesome and ah yeah, just hanging out live in the dream.



Yeah, do you eat? Are you one of those cactus eaters like do you eat cactus or do you drink the juice or anything like that.



I Feel like you're talking about something else. But I'm not sure like are you a Ca to cedar or do you drink the juice.



But I like you about like like haven't you ever you? So ah, have you ever seen it in the grocery store I feel like I've seen this in the grocery store it. Oh yeah, people consume it you can consume the cactus.



I Actually haven't now that you say that I've never even thought about like consuming the cactus but now I have to go check it out. Didn't even cross my mind now I have a something to do this afternoon. That's great.



I think will you Wikipedia this one for us. Ah.


Will Novelli

Um, well I've I've seen it as well I want I'm thinking now it must be like ah maybe like an an organic thing or can you eat captive. Let's see is it meant that yeah is it medicinal. Is it psychedelic as well.



It's I mean it's It's definitely for hippies which probably is why I know about it. No no I don't think so.



Yeah, that's what sound like do you do you eat the cactus. Do you drink the juice I'm like what are we talking about here. Let's clarify terms.



I didn't realize I didn't realize how that could sound strange could but that's where you took it Noah I was asking a simple question about your diet. So.



I did.



Yeah, and I turned it into something you know different. So it's funny though because I feel like we've had this like comedic relationship ever since like the foundation of our friendship Taylor we met over comedy and Chipulle like.



Yeah, yeah, we did.



That that runs deep in our veins. So it's going to show up in the conversation. A little bit.



Absolutely yeah, we did Noah and I met. We were just telling will this story about us. So he's got to hear it twice now in one day about how no and I met at a nonprofit conference. He was planning on going to a a comedy show. At a party together and everybody was leaving and they were all just gonna go back to their hotel and he was like I got an extra ticket. Do you like comedy I'm like who you talking to man I love comedy can I invite myself please to use that ticket. And so we did we went there. We went there saw some funny comedy. It was cool because it was like it was kind of local comedy in Chicago right? like local comedians or were they maybe yeah.



Yeah, it's like early stage but Chicago's like that you know training ground for the some of the greatest comedians so we got to see them before they were famous.



Yeah, it was great Exactly it was really good and ah yeah, then we snuck into we were starving you know because we'd been drinking Cactus Juice Of course. I Always drink my cactus juice with the lime and a salt rim by the way and ah.



Funny story about that I don't know if it's true or not so I don't know if there's a fact check at the end of this podcast or not but I was out with some friends and they said that us putting lime in our beer came from kind of like seeing people in Mexico do that.


Will Novelli




But people of Mexico were doing that to keep the flies away from their beer like they would never put the lime or lemon in the beer. It was just to put on around the rim so they didn't get bugs in their beer and then we kind of like took it and we're like oh my god put the lime in the beer. Let's make it happen so I don't know if that's true or not well. But. That's what I was told.


Will Novelli

Yeah, there's got to be a fact check on now I've definitely seen I've I've seen lyme thing done a lot for sure. Um, it could be to battle flies I did not know that.



We're gonna have a fat check by the end of this recording. But.



It could be say I Love Well, he's so positive all the time He's always like well it's possible. Let's go find out.


Will Novelli

What do you call a voucher for a complimentary chipotle free coli. That's it's an off tasting one.



I Don't know oh that's.



Oh man, this podcast has been brought to you by shapole fresh ingredients.



Um, oh exactly, Exactly probably not very very mild.


Will Novelli

That's I was going to say I don't think Chipotle is going to like that joke too much even though it's very mild.



I love chipotle ima actually a big fan of their food. We went in and we slid in and we got a burrito bowl right before they were trying to close and we begged and pleaded for food and they let us in and then we had to go we were writing in our uber this was maybe where it was like. We're both kind of awkward Noah so we get our chipotle but but we have to take it to go because they're closing and then we're like we're getting an uber back to where you know we were the conference hotel and I think both of us wanted to like just start eating our chipotle in the uber but we held back. And we did it I I feel like I even mentioned it like ah you want to start maybe now or like are you just going to take this up to your room like what are we doing here.



Ah, yeah, so we ended up having cold chipotle by the end of the night ah



Think you are like I'm just gonna go eat it in my room by myself I'm like good idea sounds like a plan I'll do that too.



Yeah, shapole in comedy. It's a great cocktail.


Will Novelli

Ah, lovely like to it can be in cold and I was just saying it can be eaten cold and still be delicious at least and the the beer thing is true. Apparently.



Yeah, yeah, so no I want to ah go for it. Well what oh yeah, is it.



There we go. Okay, my source was accurate so we ruined it. Yeah, like we turned it into something. It wasn't.


Will Novelli

About the flies. No, you're correct. Yes, yes.



Ah, said we did ruin it I'll give you 1 more story about drinks in Mexico and then I want to ask you a big deep question Noah so you thank you for telling us about the beer I didn't know that um.


Will Novelli

Um, yeah.



There's another thing I experienced in Mexico a long time ago I was there on a trip and went on some sort of a tour bus thing where you know they served us margaritas and I don't know if this is true so will's gonna fact, checked us. But. The bus driver the tour guide guy who was great and he made us some of the best marerinas I've ever had and they were super simple. They weren't made with like all the stuff that we have here. It was like fresca and tequila. And some salt and like a little bit of grapefruit juice which is really more like a poloma and like he said that that's how they actually drink margaritas I was like None at the time ah on a sher with my mom and dad so I was like great I can drink amazing. Um, that's one of the best marker. I've ever had on a bus in Mexico and it wasn't really quote what we think of as a margarita.



It sounds delicious though. So.



Oh so let's get into something. Let's actually talk some shisel here. No I you sent me this note about the None Score approach you said it's based on a buddhist proverb. The none arrow I don't know what any of this means but I want to talk to you about it and pick your brain and hear about it. What is this and what do you want to share about it.



Yeah, so I think what's interesting is if it's a healthy thing or not I'm working that out with ah a guy named Chris also knows my therapist slash coach but I have this kind of like obsession for growth and obsession for kind of like future value and all of that and you know.






Taylor we've worked on things together so you've seen that in action. But I came across this quote and I actually got the quote from a Seth Godin post because he simplified and kind of made it more applicable to modern day. But Seth Godin said hey you get None scores in every scenario like right now we're going to get None scores for this podcast. We're going to get the score. We got. And then we're going to get to the score we get for how we respond to the first one so focus on the second score and it's based on this proveb of of the arrows where it says hey don't let the same arrow hit you twice this idea that like if you're experiencing something you can't go back and change it or regret or try to fix everything. Ah, rather you can respond to it and that's the score you should focus on not trying to regret or change things in the past but using that as a learning as a data point for to progress you forward and so this idea of the None Score has been really helpful both in personal scenarios business. Even in small ways with your like kids where it's like oh man I messed up this week as a parent right? like and it's like okay well I can't go back and fix that fully and I shouldn't let that just sit on me but I can use as a data point to like make me better. It could be used for your business is where you experience. You did something that was outside the normal. You ran a experiment and it didn't work is that a failure or not and I think um, the None score mindset really gives you the ability to say okay I got a score how am I going to respond to that. The other thing I really like about it is it's it. Ah. It trains you to an approach that you can apply in a bunch of scenarios. So not knowing what scenarios are going to you know successes and failures are going to have in the future challenges obstacles problems like in some ways the most known thing about the future is that it's unknown but by focusing on the None Score mindset you can be prepared for that because it's a learning framework. It's not a predictive framework so it doesn't need inputs that are fixed it just allows you to approach the situation with an open mind. So that's kind of the the summary of the None Score mindset



And so what's a way I First off I Love that um I think it's a really good way to approach like you mess up, you get up, you dust it off you try again. You listen to a destiny's child sunk.



Ah, absolutely mixed in with some Taylor Swift you guys shake it off and just keep going.



I don't but.



Right? But no for real like that mindset approach I've I've never heard of it and I really like it a lot I think it seems like it would make it really simple to just keep moving forward to not get so stuck in the. And the negative of like what did I do wrong and just say every day is a new day. In fact, every minute is a new minute and every every microsecd is a new microsecond. Well, you're going to go fact, check us on whether or not a microsecond even is a thing but we'll find out about that later but like how. You find I'm curious to hear because you've grown a lot in your career and you've grown a lot of organizations and you've grown a lot of companies. How did you find that maybe you were doing this at a moment in time before you even knew it was called the None Score approach and you didn't even know you were doing it.



Yeah I think ironically I'm actually not that good at it like I hold on to mistakes a lot and I not regret I have a really interesting relationship with regret but I like overthink them and reanalyze them like what could I have done better in that scenario and. Or like ah you know, almost like if you're into sports I'm not a sports ball person but you know they make you watch tape and it's like okay well how can we respond differently in those scenarios and it is a learning mentality and it's like okay I could apply that forward. But I think what's more important is like acknowledging the score you got the thing I like about the second scores. Is just accepting the result for what it was did we lose did we win did things go the way I thought did they not did they go a different way even in successful moments. It's like what was that and then how can I learn from that going forward. And so it's less of like an overanalyz our Analys like and anazization I don't know well, you're going to fact, check everything in this podcast but you're and you're not over analyzing what happened in full detail but you're saying okay, we did these things and the inputs I put in got this result. Okay, how do I now respond to that to go forward. So I love the forward. My my forward approach to it and I think I'm I'm drawn to it because I'm so bad at it. But even like right now I'm in a season of transition. So for the last three years I was running marketing. Um for hypergrowth. Ah, company that was selling technology to nonprofits to really help them grow and I got burnout like so it started seeping into how I was approaching work and all of that like even in the midst of success I was getting burnout and rundown and it was showing up in how I work. And so you know as the beginning of the summer left that role and I'm kind of taking the summer off to reflect and the question people keep asking me is well. what's next what's next what's next and I myself ask that question on a regular basis and have been you know for the last sixteen years of my career. But instead I'm being forced to say not what's next. But how am I going to approach what's next and by switching the ah question from like what's next to how am I going to approach. What's next it's changing the landscape and I think the none score approach has a similar vantage on challenges that you run into it's not about like. Okay, I'm going to go run off and do this next time differently. But it's acknowledging like this happened. Okay, great. How am I going to approach this new thing next and I don't need to know what the next thing is to get better in the how because something next will come and and so that's where I'm leaning into it right now. So hopefully that resonates with.



Ah, some of your listeners.



Yeah, so let's talk about like do you have any of that how figured out how are you? How are you working through figuring out the how I mean that's work just oh then Chris yeah.



Yeah, through a lot of things. My friend Chris yeah Chris and Chris shout out to Chris um I'm also reading a book um, called by Brad Stelberg called groundedness and he talks about the 9 kind of like foundational principles to just groundedness.



Yeah, yeah.



Like how do you stay rooted? How do you kind of think more like you know a giant tree where you're like trenched in and you can kind of adapt to everything that comes your way. How do you really develop that groundedness and groundedness was actually the word I came into 2022 or this idea of being grounded. Came into it thinking through but I hadn't really fully realized like what that meant? Um, and so working through brad's book on groundedness obviously Chris and coaching um also just kind of taking time to step back and it's a lot of identity work for me like. I am a worker I'm someone that loves working I've always worked since I was eight years old I had a paper route up until you know six weeks ago since I was None and like my relationship to life was very much through the lens of work. And so being able to step back from that and say okay well what else is my identity. You know I wish I could go back and even like change my intro because my intro starts with like how I contribute and how I work but it's like that's not actually who I am fully. And so really playing some of that stuff out and really orienting myself of like what do I actually want to focus on how do I want to show up in the world. How do I want to approach things and so yeah, that's kind of what it's what it's looking at a lot of it just requires you to slow down and I do not like slowing down as you know. I think we were like running at some point in that night from shepale I think we're trying to run the shipal. That's what it was um but I love moving fast I talk really fast and I think a lot of the lessons I'm learning at least at this point early in my path is like you got to slow down. You got to stop and say like what do I actually want what do I need.



You were I think you're right.



How do I feel about this like how do what do I think about this and kind of working through those disciplined approaches has been really really helpful.



Yeah, a couple of things I want to just appreciate about you. Um, one is that you talked about and mentioned Chris. And you said my therapist last coach I think it takes a brave person so I don't know if this has to do anything with being a tourist or not. We're gonna fact, check it. But I think you're really brave to just say that on a podcast like got a therapist I have a coach helping me out everybody needs that right.






It's just most of us don't want to admit it I have a therapist. Her name is k crystal. She's not a coach. She's really a straight up therapist I need her a lot every week you know because we all have stuff that we're sorting through all the time that we're trying to figure out and we need that. None party perspective to tell us like you're getting stuck on this thing that you shouldn't be stuck on. You know it sounds like that's something that Noah you're like actually I got stuck on things you know and I regretted things and so you're working towards moving forward and figuring out how to not get so stuck.



Yeah, absolutely are you are you.



Um, and I appreciate that you are a fast mover I think it I like the world needs fast movers. You know, kind of unapologetic fast movers who are good at comedy.



Well,, there's a quote I wrote down the other day because I've been trying to just keep like notes. It's something that I've picked up too because I I feel like writing things out is really helpful like Journaling. There's you know there's a bunch of different ways to do it. But I'm just like writing random thoughts down in a notes app. Nothing special. Ah, you don't need to buy a secret program just like use the notes app but I wrote down your personality is a feature not a bug and I think like a lot of us see like attributes where like we get negative response about things and we're like oh shoot I need this is a bug like we treat it like that and it's like okay I need to squash this bug and change this or move that.



And here.



But if you look at more as like our personality or how we approach the world as a feature. Not a bug. You're like okay well I know I need to evolve like I need to get feedback I need to move this forward but I don't need to get rid of it and I think that's been super helpful too. Um. The other thing I was going to say is I think None other thing that's helpful to have a none party perspective and whether it's a coach whether it's yeah, a colleague whether it's a community member. Whatever it is maybe it's a close friend. That perspective gives you the opportunity to see what your default strategies are in certain circumstances because we all have default strategies. But as a business leader as a growth person which are most likely you listening to this podcast. Are you know you have a growth mindset That's why you're listening the default strategy we deploy. Isn't the only strategy and so the more we can understand when we are activating our default strategy and where alternative strategies could be deployed whether it's in our personal lives or business strategies or even in conversations that's the opportunity someone else can say hey you're doing that again and you did that other thing over here too. Maybe there's a common thread that that's your default strategy of how you approach things that's not your only strategy It's not a problem. It's a feature not a bug so let's have the opportunity to say okay, we could go in this different direction and that's why having some sort of community again. Whether it's paid or unpaid is super helpful.



Well, where should we take this.


Will Novelli

I Think it's something we talk about all all the time putting fresh eyes on the document I think hearing listening and objective objective ears is something huge in everyone's lives I think everyone could gain something. From that and so I definitely agree there. That's for sure I concur.



Yeah, yeah, again I'm a huge fan of like the I'm not a big fan of personality tests. But I really like the Enneagram but I like the Enneagram and for those that don't know the Enneagram look in the show notes will is going to provide you a detailed description of all the things that we reference that need footnotes. Um.



Well, it's something.






It talks about it from this default strategy thing. It's not like oh I'm a None or I'm a 4 or I'm a 3 it's just like oh this is your default strategy to earning loving connection that doesn't mean you can't deploy the other ones. It's just your default one. You've learned across environmental and you know born with symptoms or like scenario situations. Um, so highly recommend that idea of like the default strategy idea I think is really interesting because it opens up the opportunities to explore something else as an approach and then your personality is a feature not a bug or how you show up is not a feature is not a bug It's a feature. Really really important and I'm learning all this stuff I think for a long time. It was like oh how do I you know adapt to the situation. How do I change to like show up in this environment to be successful or to prove you know overcome fear or. Imposter syndrome or whatever it is all of us feel it you listening to this probably have symptoms of that right now when I bring that up. Um, but we can say okay, it's not if it's not a bug. It's feature I have default strategies what are alternative strategies I could deploy in the scenario and move on. Not perfect, but it's a process I'm in process.



Yeah, well part of the process and I think something that you didn't say but like really spoke to and all of that stuff that you just shared was that like it really requires vulnerability to open yourself up to say it's a feature. It's not.






Bug and this is how I can evolve and work around it. But if you can't even open up and be vulnerable enough with yourself to admit that in the None place then you can't evolve So I love that you shared that I Really like it. It's true I think we so oftentimes focus on what do we. Bad at that we need to improve and instead and this is I'm a big fan of the strengths Finder. So That's another kind of personality test. The Gallup straights finders and um, yeah, you know where they.



Um, that's a good one.



You know the premise of it is that like instead of focusing on what you're bad at and getting better at it focus on what you're already naturally gifted at and then get really good at that because you're not going to be good at everything you're going to have features and bugs and some features and bugs. Are really good and some features and bugs maybe are bad and you got to work around them. But um, and that was like the mashup of Gallup and what you just said.



Yeah, absolutely and I think even for like a lot of people listening to this are probably running businesses or their business leaders or you know they're trying to make an impact in the world in some way probably through some sort of commercial vehicle of sorts. Um. And I think the other thing about looking at it from that perspective Taylor which is really brilliant I hadn't thought about this way is it has to take in consideration from a vol and bury standpoint the audience the community you know because you can't features and bugs aren't just for you like if you're building a product you're building it for somebody. And a community of people and you're getting feedback from that. You're also getting feedback from like is it a viable way to live. You can't just just solve for your customers or you go go out of business most of the time but it's like there's a community of stakeholders outside of yourself and being able to acknowledge that and say okay well what inputs am I getting. What am I building for how can I improve how do I show up in the world and how do I make an impact is acknowledging that there's an other in the equation. Um, and that's super important in business too. I was recently I had 2 experiences if I can share a quick story tailer. If that's okay, story time.



Yeah, go for it. Story time.



So disregard. What these businesses were but I went to 2 different local businesses each of them support and sell similar things and the None business you go there and they are not about the end customer like it's very much like hey you show up. But you're on our terms like we close when we close this that and the other like hey you're inconvecing me. Oh you can't do this. You know they charge for random things that don't make sense. There's not in line incentives with the customers. Um, because this is a place where you like think of it like a board game cafe type thing where you would go and like. Play board games with your friends and buy board games and like do stuff like that. The other place is they hired all customers like all the people that work in the shop are like people that love this lifestyle like they love board games. They love games. They love all this stuff and they're just like oriented around the customer. They don't open until three o'clock pm where the other store opens at like ten or eleven they don't close until like None the other store closes at like eight o'clock but what they didn't realize is like None store is solving for themselves. They're like hey we want to run this business to support our needs and our lifestyle and we just happen to serve this customer base. The other ones like hey like we only open at three because we know most of our customers like either have work and then come out and do like leisurely board game stuff. But then they also play late or they're college kids or there's just a natural like late night audience for this business and so you can just look at them and they're in the same community. 2 different stores run completely different. You go to one on a none people you go to another one on a Sunday there's None people like and it's because they're solving for the customer. They're thinking about how they evolve the business for the customer base. Um. And I think there's lessons to be learned there both in personal and in whatever growth venture you're going after.



I Gosh I Love that that was a great story. Really good. Yeah well in notes on the story. He's gonna fat.



It needs a little work. We need to tighten it up will I would love some notes after this if you can help me tighten that up. Ah yeah.


Will Novelli




Yeah you on this. Maybe you never went to any of these businesses Noah we're gonna we're gonna track your if you've got Google tracking ah location tracking on. We're you go fix this out.


Will Novelli

Um, you know it's fun I can I can really I can picture the same thing because in our area we had Axe throwing became a thing in our area and I bear I guess it became legal to run an axe throwing party shop.



There we go.





Will Novelli

And within a several months span like 5 of them popped up only one of them is still open and I'm sure that that one that is still open probably catered to their crowd and um, did a lot of the things that you had pointed out now.



Yeah I think it's just it I think it's especially interesting in the world. We currently live in where consumers are being more selective with their choices of who to work with and why to work with them. So like we have different types of buying habits. Whether that's in like where we go buy groceries or where we go out to eat or buy our coffee. Or and like what vendors we want to work from work with as a b two b business or like you know Taylor your clients for barlay like they probably work with you because of you and like how you run your business and how you think about your business and so an environment where there's a lot more abundance in choice. And there's a but or and there's a higher focus on ah a selection process process into like what's the purpose or who are the people behind the business because we've seen so many times in the last ten years where like you can support a great business. But the people behind that business are the people that run the business and so if those people are not aligned a sentence from an incentive standpoint with the end customers ultimately push come to shove. We have a downturn the economy. Whatever it is those businesses are going to have to make decisions that may be in the best interest of the business. But maybe they're going to execute them in a way that's not as aligned with either with some of the stakeholders involved whether it's what we're seeing with layoffs currently in the kind of are in the tech markets. Um, people being more selective on who they work with based on the purpose statements that they have like there's a lot of going on now and I think it's even more important than ever. Say like who are my stakeholders who is my community and how am I designing my business in a way to be oriented around them and how am I getting feedback from them all the time I think ah we were going to we. There was a question that you sent me over Taylor that's like when have you made the biggest mistakes and I think it's it's a multitude. But if I drill into them and look at them and say well. Why did that happen. It's when there was misaligned incentives in either the monetization strategy with the end users meaning like our monetization strategy was in inverse relationship to the value. We're providing to the customers or. We'd ship something without ever talking to the customer and it's like well we we set ourselves up for failure. We got too much of an ego even unintentionally or I got too much of an ego and ship something without actually getting input or being considerative of how they'll align incentives work. Um. It's really difficult not or to do it's really difficult to not do unless you spend and surround yourselves with your customers all the time and community not just customers your broader stakeholder base.



I yeah, love it? Well hey Noah to round us out I want to ask you a couple rapid fire questions are you down for it all right? take a take Aip of cactus juice.



Let's do it. Let's do it. Ah, no cactus juice here at this point but I'm ready I'm ready.



All right? These are these are really important questions all right question number 1 How do you take your chipotle burrito.



Ah Burrito bowl only um with chips white rice ah doesn't matter the meat but extra mild sauce sour cream on the side cheese lettuce. Yeah delightful.



You all right.



I Do take it to go every time. So if I that should have been the simple answer. How do you take it to go.



Okay, you should sit down sometime sit down I recommend you sit down at Chipotle sometime and eat it there. It's a great experience I like doing it. You should try it all right next question I'm good.


Will Novelli




I Will I'll try it out soon.



2 more to go. Who's your favorite comedian.



So Hannah Gadsby is my favorite new comedian she has a bunch of specials on Netflix check them out. But I think we were talking about this before we started recording Mike Birbiglia is hilarious, but he's like this authentic story based. Believes in like the heart of good comedy which means it has to be true and realizes that like comedians are just observers telling the story or telling a story and I think that's where like true comedy comes from is just like. Being an observer of what's going on and being able to re present that back in a way that's true and hilarious as well. So Mike Berbilia Hannah Gatsby



I I love it all right? You told us your first nice I'm gonna check out that podcast you said about Mike all right last question you told us you were a paper boy at a paper route at the age of 8 What was your None job after that. How did you top that.



My second job after that was I started working at chick-fil-a on my none birthday because they they would hire you at None my mom was friends with the manager and so she knew I wanted to work and so she got me a job. Like originally you start bussing. But then I quickly became the head of the drive throughugh and I memorized all the price combinations and ah if you've ever been through a chick-fil-a drivethrough you know how hard those things are um but it was a blast. Yeah I was I loved it.



Were you like the drive through manager at the age of 14 or did that take you did you get to you for that one.



No so like a year or so but I was the person running the drive through like there's 1 person that's like in charge of the driveth through they're the usually the one on the headset it was before they had all these people like walking around the drivethrough have you been through a drivethrough now where there's like 17 people that you're supposed to avoid hitting? yeah.



Just recently I'm like afraid I'm going to run over someone. Yeah I don't like it.



Exactly Um, but before you would have the headset and you would take the order. Yeah, and do that all but ah yeah I ran the drive through um and it was a blast I loved it so much? Yeah, ah.


Will Novelli

It's not not really a drive for the rain ball.



Well will sent an email to the Ceo of Chick -fil-a and said we don't like all these people at the drive through. So we're already on it.



Ah, if will you have that power I have ah I have a list of things I would like you to do if you can get that done.


Will Novelli

Um, it's it's already sent. We'll see what he says.



There you go they need to bring back The chicken salad sandwich. They've gotten rid of it at like most locations and it was delightful. They used the chicken the leftover chicken from the previous day which sounds gross but it's not like have you ever had a Rotissie chicken and then you eat it on a sandwich the next day perfect. So they take it.



Is her.


Will Novelli

Um, it's.


Will Novelli

Um, yeah.



They would shred up all the chicken they would mix it all together. Maybe this like authentic chick-fil-a chicken salad on wheat bread and it was a delight and they got rid of it.


Will Novelli




It wasn't the light I didn't realize they didn't have it I Never really go there anymore I'm all like I I had to be become gluten free in all of that garbage and stuff. So I I I go to chickfil-a I knock through people in the drivethrough and I get a lemonade. That's what I do at chickfil-a.





Will Novelli

Keep it up.



I mean did you see that they tried they rebranded the Arnold Palmer which is like lemonade and tea if you don't know what that is to a sunjoy and it's like registered trademark now and it's called a sunjoy and it's tea and lemonade mix together. Yeah.



You know.


Will Novelli

Um, or.


Will Novelli




Huh Hu I'm not sure what that if I'm down with that branding yet, but we'll we'll sit on it. We'll keep on it.



Yeah, the drink is good regardless of what you call it. It's still good. Yeah.


Will Novelli

Um I think I like the alcoholic version of an Arnold Palmer best



Exactly yeah aga well Noah.



I don't think they have that Chick-fila yet but include that as a PS in your in your email to the the Ceo guy there you go? yeah yeah. yeah


Will Novelli

Um, now yeah but ways to improve if.



This has been Magic. You mentioned magic and marketing at the beginning and it's always magic to talk to you So I appreciate you coming on and talking some shisle with us. We really approached this episode with a completely open mind I'll be honest and I thought it was fantastic to do it that way. So Thank you. If people want to find you or get in touch with you. What's the best way to do that.



Hit me up on a Linkedin that's really the only kind of social platform I retain. So if you just search Noah Barnett you'll see a lightning bolt click on that that's me.



Awesome! Cool. Well thank you Thank you friends I hope that this was fun and will is going to send you a lot of information in the show notes that you hopefully will enjoy reading at some point. Maybe you need to fall asleep one night when you can't. Take a little melatonin and read our show notes and we'll see you next time on another episode of talking shisel.



Thanks Taylor thanks will see ya.